The Teachings of the Elect Lady Evangelist Shirley Davis
Here I go again, trying to make sense of a White Black world. It's awkward but I keep trying. Shirley first came to my studio in the 80s...
The Teachings of the Elect Lady Evangelist Shirley Davis
You ARE Being Replaced...But Who Are You?
Why Am I Singing While this Woolly Mammoth is Charging Us?
The Gifted Child - Who Unties the Bow?
Can Music Turn White Supremacy into Love Supremacy?
From Maasailand to comMUSIKey
An Antidote to the Spell of the Invisible Hand
Playing a Different Part of the Same Elephant
Beethoven’s Gift
The Rhythm of Nature
Who’s Musical?
Our Musical Terrain
How Can There Be Wrong Notes When There Aren’t Any Notes At All?
Moving to the rhythm ‘can help language skills’